Thursday, June 15, 2006

"Hello from Glo"

Sorry I haven't been on for a couple of days. I have had a few stop by my blog. That made me very happy.Thanks for stopping by Michelle,Shionge,Janice,My girls( Court & Charla) and the other Courtney ( who just happens to be a pisces same as me).Nothing really new going on here.

Just felt very lonely the past few days. Missing Mike like crazy.Guess it's just that time of year.Sat. will be our 18th anniversary. We always spent our Anniversary with a nice dinner then gone and set in the Park where we were married,just hold hands andtalk.....He my best friend and i miss him deeply. Most said it wouldn't last six weeks ( even my Mother-in-law) God rest her soul.

I going to my Sons this weekend maybe that will help my blue mood. Love you Guys,Thanks again for all you've done for me.

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