Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thanks to Special People

A special THANKS to Flip Flop,Grams and Nancy for all the beautiful cards I received and to all of you who prayed. Because of all my friends and God.....I'm here. I know God isn't finished with me Yet.

I would like for you all to say special prayers for my sister Linda. Remember the knee she broke in June.........well she slipped in water at work and tore the meniscus & acl OOOOOOOUCH Had surgery Monday. Doing well,but still needs prayer and lots of it.

Love to all,
God bless,

2 comments: said...

Oh my Gosh! I forgot to post about your sister!! Please forgive me!! But now that I know that my forgetting is caused by the fibromyalgia (fiber fog) and not something worse I feel so much better about it when I forget!!!
Love, Grams

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Your sister needs to learn to stand up!! She has really had a problem lately...I am so glad that you are so much better now...Sandy